Saturday, 31 May 2014

Market Chatting

I am a self-confessed Market lover. I love car boot sales and bric-a-brac, I love food markets, I love vintage clothes markets and if there aren't any markets on? Well you will likely find me in an op-shop or a quirky cafe trying to get my fix!

Adelaide has a bit of an up and coming market scene with the Fishermen's Wharf Market, the Brighton Car Boot Sale, Adelaide Night Market, Dapper Market and Gillies Street Market just to name a few!

Today I would like to discuss a relatively new kid on the block

The Market Shed
What: Produce and food market emphasising certified organic, sustainable and local produce.
Where: 1 Holland Street (City), Adelaide, South Australia 5000 (behind Gilbert St IGA)
When: Sunday 9 - 2

Founded in August of 2013 it has built up an incredible following in just months. The Market Shed is a food lovers heaven and a people watchers dream. It is a hub of people who share an interest in healthy lifestyle, sustainability, organic produce but most of all food!

I confess that one short blog post is hardly enough to do justice to the energy, vibrancy and diversity of the Market Shed, but read on to get a glimpse!

This stand was put together so beautifully and the food looked so good that I couldn't resist taking a happy snap or two! The fritoles (a new concept to me) looked so delicious and were sure to sell out fast or so I was told!


Nurish who can be found here, specialise in juices and sweet treats. I indulged in one of their 'Mean Green' Juices at $8.50 (but you do get $1 back if you return the jar!). I would definitely recommend these guys and I look forward to trying some of their healthy deserts next time I visit!


 I couldn't help but photograph this - if you can make a public toilet look attractive, you're doing something right! Ha


The Clear Hills Farm mexican stall was pretty hard to walk past let me tell you! Their 'Mexican Breakfast' has been calling my name all week and I can't wait for another Sunday session at the market!


If patisserie is your thing you can't go past 'Mother & Sons Bakery'. We certainly couldn't!

The bakery, which is only open once a week at The Market Shed is a collaboration between baker, Paul Tirglau, and Zannie Flanagan who, according to their facebook page, is the 'market guru' of the team!The baked goods sell out fast and are as good they look! Not only does this stall provide scrumptious food but the venders are lovely and are always ready for a good chat!


Oh my! The Little Orange - Aranchini and Pizza Bar. Wow. It could have been the fact that it was 11.30 am and we hadn't had anything to eat other than a coffee for Anton and a juice for myself, but I'm inclined to think that it was truly delicious (and I should know, having worked at a gourmet pizza bar for some time)!

We ordered a breakfast pizza which was priced at $20 and which fed two hungry people quite nicely. They had other pizzas on offer such as margherita but the breakfast pizza seemed to us to be a fitting breakfast (funny that). The wait was around 20 minutes which gives you time to wander around and look at other stalls. 

Unfortunately I have heard rumours that this stall is not a permanent one so make sure to check out their facebook page to keep updated on their movements!


The Market Shed isn't only filled with fantastic food stalls, they also have stalls which provide the produce to create your own masterpieces at home!


Grand Flowers of Hyde Park had a beautiful selection of fresh cut flowers as well as potted flowers and chilli plants on offer. If my garden bed wasn't completely jam packed already you couldn't have stopped me going for my life in that stall!


If you need to flavour those veggies you bought... Well why not go to the Beach Organics stall? For all your spice needs! And if the allure of your everyday spices isn't enough of a reason to check them out then at least go and look at their cinnamon stick (which were nearly the size of Anton!).

There are far more stalls that I have neglected to mention or photograph. There was Greek and Japanese cuisine on offer. Tea stalls and Raw Macrons stalls, Waffle stalls and a Nut bar.

This market has most definitely won a place in my top 3 Adelaide markets (which is quite a big deal). The lively atmosphere, variety and welcoming nature of all involved in the project are just some of the lovely things which add up to making The Market Place a must visit  attraction if you ever find yourself in Adelaide.

I would recommend it to anyone and it has definitely become my regular place for a Sunday outing!

Hoping to see you there!



  1. These places all look so beautiful! I got really excited when I read "Hyde Park" because that is a part of Chicago that I live! Unfortunately, I realized that none of these are in fact in the states! Oh well, it looks like you had a lovely time! c: Thanks for sharing! P.S. you're so beautiful!! xx

    <(') Hoda | JooJoo Azad ~ Free Bird

    1. Aw thank-you Hoda! I;m sorry that 'the market shed' isn't be closer to where you live! But i'm sure there are some nice ones in Chicago!
      In any case thanks for checking out my post!

      Laura xx

  2. a great post!
    happy weekend sweety!


    1. Thank-you! I hope you have a lovely weekend too.

      Laura xx

  3. Great post :) Very well written! love the pictures, we definitely have to go again :)

    Have a good day

    Anton xxx

  4. that pizza looks amazing! i love browsing threw markets...getting nice flowers or fresh fruits and veggies! the market i visit quite often in vienna has a huge variety of olives stuffed with garlic, cheese or chillis :) every time i run out i have to get them asap :)

    xxx kerstin from

    1. Yes i also love getting flowers and veggies from markets! They're so much more exciting than from the supermarket :)
      But you are making me crave olives! I will need to go and get some i think!

      Laura xx
